January 6, 2018


Depending on your health goals, my services include between 3 week and 3 month plans. I’m open to a la carte options, but I’ve seen most success stories in my time as a nutrition therapist happen as part of a longer, well- developed plan.

My Services

Customized Meal Planning and Food Prep

Consider DIY or full service; 1x or 2x per week, bi-weekly or monthly. I offer in-home food prep tutorials! Imagine this feeling like you’re in the middle of a YouTube how-to video for weekly food prep. Not your thing? You’ll receive a checklist and take-home tutorial to DIY.

Guided Detox and Nutritional Fasting

Detox from sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy, or if you’re caught in a crash diet-rut. Consider journaling and weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one coaching sessions.
– On the same page, fasting can be a disciplined option for digestion, and hormonal reset. Consider the 16/8 hour approach, 24 hour or progress to my annual 3-day autumn equinox fast.

Accountabilibuddy and Data Analysis

What is an “Accountabilibuddy?” This is 100% a client-call. As your “Accountability-buddy” I’ll email, social media tag, or text you reminders. This could be anywhere between 3x a day, to once a week. Either way, you’ll have a buddy to nudge you back on track. Work the plan, focus on it being a practice before it’s habitual, and most of all don’t get hung up on the little mistakes along the way.
Hand-in-hand with accountability is the data to back up my coaching. I work with a data input process made for Flat Belly, and customized with your input and output. If data helps motivate your ‘why’ behind your vision, Flat Belly Data Analysis should be incorporated into your plan.

Grocery Coaching : Tour YOUR store

Prepare to be the envy of all food shoppers! This service is included in each of my Flat Belly packages. You’ll leave with an understanding of how to simplify food labels, and shop with purpose and efficiency. We’ll tour your store together, reviewing each aisle and how each pertains to your plan.