I’m Cassidy! Founder of Flat Belly Nutrition Therapy. My passion is about connecting with people on our health, different lifestyles and feeling good. I started talking with people about food and being our “best selves” in my day-to-day, normal life. Then, my coaching was fueled by those conversations at the request of my community, and my love for continuing those conversations. The Flat Belly vision is not about looking good, it’s about intuitive, balanced eating that makes us feel unstoppable. It’s my belief that a healthy diet begins the domino effect to a clear mindset, a strong self and a happy life.
I consult with people who are interested in improving their own lifestyles. My clients’ goals typically include:
- “Cleaning up my diet”
- “Stop eating out so much, and cook more for my family”
- “Food prep every week so I don’t eat junk at work”
- “Get my gut health back to normal”
- “Lose 25 pounds for GOOD!”
Positive side effect results from these goals typically involve:
- Clear skin
- Elevated energy
- Better work focus
- More quality sleep
At FBN I am determined to help you get the ball rolling on better habits so that food prep and healthy diet decisions become second nature for your long term lifestyle.
Find my contact information here, or email me to schedule your free 30-minute consult with me.